Tuesday, December 4, 2012

11 days away

The closer I get to leaving for Haiti, the more aware I am of the enemy's attacks on my life. Boy is he coming on strong. My anxiety is worse than it's been in a while. My airplane dreams are crazier than ever. My nerves are high and short-fused. Up and down emotions. I think because this trip is encompassing a lot of unknown and a lot of firsts for me. My first time flying, my first time on a mission trip out of the country, being the farthest I've ever been away from home or my family/friends/comfort zone, my first time to be in complete reliance on the Lord. I know that's what He wants though. He is taking me somewhere to show me how much I need Him, and only Him. To teach me how to relinquish control of myself. To have me in a place where I am totally enveloped in His presence. So as I try to steer my thoughts away from my fears, I keep thinking how I have longed for quite a while to go and just love on these precious people. I know that God's hand is on this trip. I know this is the time and place I am supposed to go. He has opened doors and paved the way for this from the very beginning, before the thought of missions even entered my mind. Even though I am scared and nervous I am so thankful He chose this path for me. I can't say thank you enough to everyone who has supported me financially and has been covering me, my team, and this trip in prayer.

Lord, let it not be about me, but Your words spoken from my lips. Your love felt through my touch. I am merely just a vessel.

"Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you - majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling." Exodus 15: 11, 13