Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Marriage: month 1

Since the wedding, our lives have been a WHIRLWIND! But in a good way.

August 17, 2013 was the most perfect day. Everyone says weddings are always a blur for the bride, groom, and their families. I would say that's correct. I remember everything. But to put it down in words is so difficult.

We had the best time on our honeymoon. This was also the first time Joseph and I had ever taken a vacation just the two of us. The weather was perfect every day. We took naps on the beach every day. It was the most relaxing week. By the end of it though, we were ready to come home and back to reality. (Of course after a week of reality, I was ready to go back to paradise).

We both took the following Monday off work, so we would have Sunday and Monday to unpack and start getting settled in OUR home. Monday night before we went to bed, Joseph happened to check his work email. One particular subject line caught his eye. It read "Birmingham Office" and was from his boss. They were offering him an opportunity to move to an office in Birmingham starting October 1. We were shocked/ecstatic/confused/sad.

We immediately went to our best friends for prayer covering. This was a decision that would have to be made within a day or two. Fast forward a few weeks and here we are, about to move our lives from Montgomery to Birmingham. Well, really, my life is half and half. I've been commuting to work, staying with friends and family some during the week to save on gas money. THANKFULLY, my job had not offered my position to the person they were going to choose yet.

We feel very confident that this move is the Lord's will for us. Every obstacle we faced was removed with prayerful agreement between Joseph and I that if this was not His plan, doors would be shut. They were opened wider. As I was (stressfully) looking for a place for us to live in Birmingham with Joseph in Montgomery, God was teaching me trust, patience, and dependence on His leading.

We are over the moon excited to really begin our lives as newlyweds in Birmingham! For our first month of marriage, it's still felt like it did when we were dating. I am so ready to have a HOME with my husband and not live out of suitcase half of the week. But while our situation has been less than ideal, we are so blessed for the life we have. God really has been so wonderful to us and truly grown us during this time of transition.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Happy August!


How quickly time has flown by! A couple weekends ago I had my bachelorette party at the beach, and this weekend the guys are heading down for Joseph's bachelor party. Hopefully the weather will be a little bit nicer for them than it was for us. Unfortunately while we were there it rained Saturday until about 12 or 1. But I am thankful we at least got a few hours on the beach with some sun!

I've had two bridal showers. One at work and one with family and friends.They were both so fun and special and Joseph and I are tremendously blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people!

All that I have left of my stuff to move to Montgomery is clothes. We rented a U-haul trailer last Saturday and moved a bed and dresser down. I'm pretty excited about our king size bed, even if that is all that will end up fitting in the bedroom!

Everything for the wedding is pretty much done. It has been such a smooth process for us, that I truly feel God's hand and protection over our marriage. I can't wait to be Mrs. Joseph Burchfield in just 16 days!! I also can't wait to be in the Dominican for a whole week relaxing with my HUSBAND!!! We are more than ready to begin this new phase in our lives!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Where you go I go..

Hm. What's something I haven't done a while? Blog.

The past several months have been consumed with nothing other than wedding planning. It didn't take us long to book our date and venues and the "big" things. My dress was lucky #3 of what I tried on. It wasn't even all the way on before I knew it was what I would be wearing on my wedding day! Things that I thought would be quick and easy, have actually turned out to be the most difficult. Such as invitations. I never thought that would be the one thing I would be SO indecisive on. But they turned out great and this weekend will be spent with a sweet friend who is helping me address all of them.

Joseph and I have completed a pre-marital small group through our church and also developed some great friendships through that as well. I can't wait for Highlands Montgomery to be my home. We are so blessed and thankful for our church family and to have such a strong and powerful prayer covering over us and our upcoming marriage. Of course moving is definitely going to be bittersweet. It will be so hard to not be 5 minutes down the road from my best friend. And to not come to this job that I love everyday. There have been times we thought we had some options...living in between Montgomery and Birmingham, Joseph being able to move up here, but the doors were quickly shut and we know Montgomery is where we are BOTH supposed to be. We ultimately want to be where the Lord tells us and where we can make a difference for the Kingdom. We have prayed for clear vision and opportunities to be removed from our path that are not from Him and He has been faithful (and quick) in His answers and guidance.

The next 93 days are going to be busy and filled with more planning, bachelor and bachelorette parties, showers, packing, moving, wedding decorating projects, and finally the day I get to marry my best friend! I know it will fly by, as the past months already have. But I'm hoping to savor every moment of this season and (try) to not rush the next couple months!

"Wherever you go, I will go; Wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God." Ruth 1:16

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Life change.

December was a month of complete life change. A perfect way to end one year and start another.

Haiti is now my most favorite place...ever. There hasn't been a day that I don't think about those sweet kiddos and miss their smiling faces. God really opened my eyes to a whole new world and I experienced His love and power daily. You always hear how God will take care of you if you trust Him and follow the calling He has placed on your life, even if it seems crazy, scary or impossible. Well I can now say from experience that is 100% true. I have NEVER felt peace like I did that week. The Lord is so present there and His people are so joyful. They have Jesus...He is all they have, all they need, and they are FILLED with love and joy. I think it's sad to have to go to the poorest country in the world to experience such peace and contentment.

I returned home to Birmingham about 12:45am due to delays in Miami to find the most wonderful man waiting on me at the airport holding a sweet "welcome home" sign.
When he flipped it over to other side, I was in complete shock.

I can't wait to marry the man of my dreams! I am so thankful for his leadership, his encouragement, love and support. Over the past several months, the Lord has truly changed our lives individually as well as couple. He has shown us how important it is to have Him as the foundation of our relationship and our greatest hope is that we continually glorify Him through our marriage.

 Our best friends. Our supporters. Our confidants.
We couldn't be more thankful for them.

"and human hands can't serve his needs - for he has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need." Acts 17:25