I think as humans, we are all our own worst enemy. I try and carry more burdens than I ought to. Problems of this life, of this world, of these people, are not mine to bear. They have to be turned over to the Father. Why is so hard to accept this most generous offer? Why is it so hard to let Him have our pain? Why is so hard to just approach the Throne and let it go? Ephesians 3:12 says I may approach God with freedom and CONFIDENCE. Confidence that all things work together for my good, because I love Him (Romans 8:28). How offensive it must be, to say "here, God, I'll loosen up the reins a little bit, but I won't give it all to you. I'll offer you pieces of my struggles, of my life, but I don't trust you enough to let you handle everything."
But I have no reason, no excuse to be. When has He never come through for me? When has He ever failed me?
.....never. not once.
I am only failing myself by letting my mind wander to those places of distrust and unworthiness.
"We are not puppets. We are not robots. We can control our thoughts.
Maybe not the first one, because sometimes we are bombarded with
something from out of nowhere. But we can control where we let that
thought go. The second thought is ours. We control it.
...Or maybe someone at work said or did something that created more work
for me (Very annoying!) Things like that happen to all of us. But I
have noticed that I can either nurse that feeling until it is magnified,
or I can catch the thought and stop the avalanche of bad thoughts that
only produce destruction." -Holly Wagner
Worrying only solidifies the act of not trusting the perfect and flawfless will of God. Worrying is not going to achieve His plan for my life.
I pray for the Lord to take captive my thoughts. I pray for Him to meet me in my dreams. I pray for myself to reflect every joy back upon Him and release every struggle to Him....and let it STAY with Him. Lord, help me to surrrender it all.